Art Starts
Dear E-news subscribers:
Welcome to the March 19, 2020 edition of Art Starts
FY21 Grants Update
At this writing, we are moving forward with our FY21 grants cycle as planned and will hold an online grants workshop via Zoom this Saturday, March 21 from 10:30 AM – Noon.
Please use the following link to join the meeting:
Upcoming NHSCA Grant Deadlines:
April 3- Artist in Residence (AIR) Grant
April 10- Youth Arts Project Grant
May 1- Arts in Health Project Grant
May 8- Artist Entrepreneurial Grant
COVID-19 Impact
Americans for the Arts is collecting data from organizations (nonprofit and for-profit) and artists about the impact of the pandemic.
We encourage you to take the survey and share it widely with your networks.
The New Hampshire Center for Nonprofits is collecting data about the impact on nonprofit organizations. Please take the survey!
Upcoming NEA grant deadline:
April 9, 2020: Challenge America